Isabella Allen
I have to say, I'm shocked at how unkind, unforgiving, and unfeeling the staff here is. As someone who works in customer service and lives with animals, I am absolutely appalled. First of all the information regarding hours and location is different every place you look. I ended up having to take an abandoned dog to the shelter, so I called that morning and and said I could try and be at the shelter by 1:30pm, while closing time is either 3pm, 4pm, or 24 hours depending on where you look. The lady sighed and said she would try and stay there till 1:30 but was trying to go home early. I live two hours away from any significant town, so it was a long windy drive with a dog who has rarely ever been in a car. The poor thing threw up and pooped in my car twice on the way down the mountain. So we had to stop along the way to clean it up and make sure the dog was okay. When I got to the address they had posted on Apple Maps, it took me to a tax office so I had to call again and ask exactly where they were located. The same lady was upset that it was now almost 2pm, and she directed me only by saying the blue building in the fairgrounds. I do not live in this town, so those "directions" don't help me whatsoever. Then she yells the address through phone and then proceeds to ask me how long I'll be. I drive down the street to the fairgrounds, pull in, and still can't find the building. The shelter lady calls me again and says that they can't wait a second longer and I'll have to make another appointment even though it was still only 2:10 and they had another 50 minutes at least until they closed. I took me breaking down and crying begging them to tell me where they are because I am in the main parking lot for the place. The upset lady on the phone does nothing but yell the address of the general location that I'm already in instead of telling me where they are. When we finally pull in, I park, get out of the car and the same lady yells from 5 parking spots away saying that I can't park there and I have to pull up right in front of the building. As if getting fully back in my car, reversing, and driving 5 feet to where she is would be faster than walking the 3 yards. I said, "am I not allowed to walk?" and she scoffed and said "only if you want, whatever" while waving her hands and walking away. I walked into the building and they took the dog away from me without saying anything or letting me even say goodbye to the dog. They took my information rudely and abruptly along with the $300 worth of stuff I donated with the dog and said I could call in 72 hours. they made an already sucky situation so much more awful and added much unneeded stress. I am so angry with the service they provided, I've never been shown such unprofessionalism. To the people of Mariposa, I beg of you, take care of your animals to the best of your ability so they don't have to end up with these awful people.